Why "nupdate"? Cause nothing is happening. If I said update, I could be accused of misleading our readers.This note is from the minutes of the September 19th meeting of the West End Community Council released tonight:
COMPLAINT TO CPD FOR WECC PAST RECORDS: Robert Killins, Vice President Colbert and Treasurer Moon still trying to get resolution and closure on this issue.
Background on the latest complaint:The West End Community Council came to the point of giving up on any real response to the criminal complaint against Dale Mallory. The community council then made a request for just the historical records of the council. It was the least that they could ask for. The Cincinnati Police Department refused the request, citing an ongoing police investigation.
Skepticism existed among members of the West End Community Council. People thought the police weren’t really investigating the matter. West End Communtiy Council Treasurer Maggie Moon filed a criminal complaint about Dale Mallory early in June, and nothing happened.

A decision was made within the W.E.C.C. executive committee to contact the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s office. In early September officers of the West End Community Council went to the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s office and asked if an investigation was actually taking place. The Prosecutor’s office followed up with the CPD and affirmed that the criminal investigation was active and ongoing.
In some people’s eyes, that is when the investigation actually started.
Since that point, the CPD has actively interviewed witnesses involved in the West End Community Council. September is a strange month to get started. Seven months after Dale was impeached, four months after Dale cleaned out and closed down the bank account, and three months after the criminal complaint was filed, the CPD started interviewing people about the crime and asking questions about Dale’s impeachment.
Those interviews have reportedly concluded just weeks ago. Why did the CPD take months to getting around to actually investigating the crime? It is a fair question.
Many of the circumstances involved work in Dale Mallory’s polictical favor. By keeping this investigation active, the bank records and historical records are off limits and cannot be gained by the WECC. By keeping this investigation active, members of the CPD also cannot comment on an ongoing investigation.
How does it work in Dale’s favor? Those records could contain other fiscal malfeasance, as many suspect. Dale Mallory has consistently refused requests to turn over records. Instead, he chose to close down the bank account tie things up neatly.

We are now eight months past from Dale Mallory being impeached and removed from office, and the Community Council has no historical records. Funding from Invest in Neighborhoods, (where Dale still sits on the board) has never been reinstated. That funding amounts to $9,000 a year. Our Community Council has gone without proper funding or proper records, and everything seems to be in limbo.
A recent CityBeat
article by Kevin Osborne sheds some light into the current predicament:
When voters go to the polls Nov. 7, it's highly likely they will elect to the Ohio Statehouse a person facing a criminal investigation by Cincinnati Police who has rarely campaigned publicly and who dodges questions about his involvement in secret lobbying for a controversial project proposed for the city's West End neighborhood.
Osborne’s sources seem to indicate that this investigation will last just a wee bit longer than November 7, the day Dale Mallory goes on the ballot. Nobody at the Cincinnati Police is rushing to end this investigation. As I have said before, justice delayed is justice denied. If no crime was committed, the CPD should state that fact and explain why. If one was, Dale Mallory should be prosecuted.
A detailed timeline on Dale B. Mallory’s checks can be found
The Quick Timeline:
In February Dale Mallory was removed from office by over 76% of the vote.
In March Dale filed two lawsuits to get reinstated.
In April Dale had one suit thrown out of court, and dropped the other one while claiming that he had no intent of remaining president of the West End Community Council.
In May Dale decided to close down and clean out the Community’s bank account, months after being removed from office. He had the check written to Cash.

Then someone told Dale what a dumbfuck he was, and Dale took the money back to the bank. Problem was he couldn’t redeposit it because he had closed down the account. It was like if a bank robber took the money back to the bank and claimed that nothing happened. Since he couldn’t redeposit the money, Dale had two Bank cashiers checks made out for the balance. One was made out to the YMCA, and the other to one of Dale’s friends that he had worked with through the Cincinnati Empowerment Corporation/CityLink saga. He then claimed that these were legitimate community council expenditures that were approved in
February. The only catch was that February was the month that he was
impeached and removed from office. Cameras were rolling, reporters were there, and no vote was taken.
In early June, the WECC treasurer Maggie Moon went to the bank to find out information about the account, and she was told the account was closed. She was given a copy of the check where Dale closed down the account to cash. Maggie Moon immediately contacted the police and filed a criminal complaint.
It is that complaint that has never been answered.It has been five months since Dale Mallory cleaned out and closed down the West End Community Bank Account, and if the Mayor’s office has it’s way this investigation will drag on another month so that Dale can be elected on November 7th. It has been eight months since the WECC voted Dale B. Mallory out of office, but the WECC still has no legal records or paper trail. Those documents are conveniently part of a “police investigation”.
The CPD has copies of the checks.

They have videotapes of the WECC meetings and eyewitness accounts of the events. They have press reports; they even have court records of Dale himself conceding that he no longer is WECC President.
Why wait?
Is the Cincinnati Police Department waiting for the other shoe to drop? Are they still accumulating evidence of a crime that obviously happened five months ago? Are they awaiting something to happen that will break this investigation wide open?
The answer is quite simply, No. The simplest answer is usually the correct answer. (Occam's razor) This is an open and shut case. All the evidence has been out there for months, and the CPD is determined to do nothing about it.
So What is Going to Happen?
Nothing. “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” We have had an investigation into the Cincinnati Empowerment Corporation that was halted dead in the tracks. We also have a criminal investigation into the actions of Dale Mallory that is stagnated and shut down by the powers that be, at least until after the safety of the election.
And if you think another reasonable explanation exists for this bizarre chain of events, ask Dale Mallory. He isn’t talking, he won’t speak of these events, and he won’t debate or even face a journalist until after the election. If this was a tin-foil hat conspiracy, Dale Mallory could come to the table and knock down all the lies with honest answers. He can’t give honest answers to honest questions, because he has none. It is that simple.
Why is this investigation so important?
Dale Mallory is a son and heir to the throne of the Mallory political dynasty. Dale B. Mallory is running for State Representative in the 32nd District for the Ohio House of Representatives. If Dale Mallory was indicted on felony charges for cleaning out and closing down the Community Council bank account, his political future would be over.
Take notice of the fact that nobody in the Mallory family or the Mallory campaign is even defending the charges. They aren’t out and about trying to “clear his good name”. Instead, they are calling in favors to make sure this matter doesn’t get investigated and come to light to the general public. And they are winning my friends. They are winning.

That’s politics. This isn’t about the truth to them, it is about winning. They don’t have to defend him. They don’t even deny the accusations. All they have to do is suppress the truth for a few more weeks, and everything is going according to plan. The CPD should be ashamed for being a co-conspirator to the crime.
I will say it again. Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.

Just another day in Paradise.