CityLink Opponent Terrorized
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“Dave Petersen's roof garden is like a West End oasis, an oasis that was visited by vandals on Tuesday. Getting to the garden, someone had to either scale a 6 foot fence or a 13 foot wall. Plants were destroyed, pots broken.
Dave Petersen, West End Community Council Member: "It took a lot of effort to come up here, and they're sending a message..."
Petersen says that message is clear.
"Stop digging, stop talking, and just basically, we've got a good thing going here, keep your mouth shut."
A member of the West End Community Council, Petersen and others have come out strongly about mismanagement in the community, funding issues, and plans to put a social service center called City Link in Petersen's back yard.
"We have uncovered millions of dollars of questionable transactions."
Dave Petersen has also found his tires flattened and a window broken at his home in the last three weeks. While a broken window doesn't necessarily mean anything, this one might, because it's so hard to get to. You have to go through a fenced yard, then you have to go through the bushes, and this one's barberry, it's really sharp, then you've got to get to the glass by going through an iron grate, about the only way to do that is with a piece of rebar or something like that and jam it through, nothing easy about breaking this window.”
David Petersen – A Profile in Courage
David Petersen is a courageous man who has taken a public stand for what is right in the West End. He has spoken out against CityLink, and he has exposed the corruption of Dale Mallory and the Cincinnati Empowerment Corporation.
Mr. Petersen was selected to be on the impeachment committee that reviewed the petition to impeach and remove Dale Mallory from office. The five member panel returned with a unanimous recommendation that Dale be removed. The West End Community Council agreed with over 76% of the vote against Dale Mallory.
Petersen was a vocal opponent against CityLink.
He was also an appellant against the CityLink zoning permit. He joined with his neighbors and the West End Community Council in contesting it. The Community won their case. CityLink’s lawyer, Democratic Party Chair Tim Burke is still appealing within the legal system.
Petersen was one of the people sued by Dale Mallory when Dale contested his impeachment. That case had no merit, and was thrown out of court. Dave was interviewed by the Dean of Cincinnati at a protest at the Oakley Democratic Forum, which you can listen to here.
Petersen has been on the forefront of the investigation of the Cincinnati Empowerment Corporation. You can view his interview with Dan Hurly on Newsmakers here.
To date, CEC board member Lamont Taylor resigned after calling for an investigation. City Hall has demanded an investigation and an audit. HUD went as far as calling for a full audit of the CEC and asking the Cincinnati Police to investigate possible criminal behavior. The latest player to join the party is the FBI, which specializes in cases of public corruption. Given these facts, I can’t see how effective acts of intimidation and retribution would be. Though the mayor has reportedly tried, no one person has the power to call off the dogs at this point. You can’t put that genie back in the bottle.
David Petersen is a civic and community leader. At the last community council meeting, Mr. Petersen was unanimously approved by 40 of his fellow members to become the West End representative on the Board of Directors of the Cincinnati Empowerment Corporation. He was the subject of a race based diatribe by Harold Cleveland and Lincoln Ware when he recently called in the talk show to discuss the Empowerment Zone on the Buzz. Lincoln Ware is in tight with the Beatty/Lawson/Mallory Cabal. Ware has broadcasted frequently from Junebug’s restaurant, and Lawson is a fellow host on the Buzz.
Petersen will take a spot on the Empowerment board made vacant by City Hall Hitman / functional illiterate Howard Beatty. Cincinnati Magazine recently noted noted that Howard Beaty had a criminal record that included jury rigging, aggravated burglary and domestic violence. Beatty was appointed to the Empowerment Board by Dale Mallory. Petersen will give his community a real voice for accountability on the Empowerment board.
"Nothing good happens unless you stand up for what's right, and what's going on down here is not right and I am willing to take the consequences of my action." – David Petersen